- "Psychologically accurate and dramaturgically intelligent production: Carl Maria von Webers FREISCHÜTZ staged by Christian von Götz at Opera Leipzig." (Leipziger Volkszeitung, 5. 3. 2017)/Komische Oper Berlin: "Director Christian von Götz with sparkling ideas up to the final scene" (Berliner Morgenpost, 3.11.2015)/Thunerseespiele 2015 Romeo und Julia: „Garish, swift, and touching: German director Christian von Götz puts on the Musical “Romeo und Julia” as a flashy, wild soap “ (Der Bund, 8.7.2015); „Christian von Götz devises strong images ... Something equally glamourously snappy, garnished with irony, is rarely to be seen on the Swiss stage.“ (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 14.7.2015) - Together with Musikdebatte Köln nominated as "Young Artist of the Year " (Opernwelt-Umfrage 2014)/"Best production”: Bluthochzeit nominated in NRW-critics poll 2013 und in Opernwelt poll 2013. DVD available (see "News").